OpenSlides 4.2.6 (2025-03-27)
- Backtracking of forwarded motions: In the target meeting, backtracking may be activated next to the “origin” item in order to look back to the original motion. This tracking provides access to the original version, including amendments, recommended changes and other metadata.
- PDF export > Headings: The display of headings is more closely aligned with the display in OpenSlides.
- Elections: The available votes are displayed if it is possible to cast more than one vote.
- New translations added
- Elections > Yes/No per candidate: Votes can be cast for multiple candidates.
- Elections: The confirmation dialog closes after submitting the vote and has the correct description.
- Participants and accounts: There is no more flickering in the edit screen.
- Committee admins can now add users to the events they can see from the account level.
OpenSlides 4.2.5 (2025-03-19)
- Slash (“/”) is replaced by colon (“:”) in file names when exporting to a zip file.
- HTML is prevented in dialog titles.
- HTML content is sanitized by new filters.
- The password check is not skipped if the user does not exist.
- Event > eVoting > nominal vote: New projection ''single votes'' for nominal votes added. The new view provides a tabular listing of the individual nominal votes including the overall result as a bar chart.
- Elections > Enable indication of minimum and maximum votes for yes/no/abstain per candidate.
- Event > Projector > PDF Projection: Scrolling behavior of new buttons adjusted. The new buttons allow scrolling between PDF pages.
- Event > Voting/Elections: PDF export for votes and elections adapted to live voting register.
- Editor: Navigation between editor functions (buttons) using tab and arrow keys improved
- Accounts > Account detail view > Add to meeting: Menu revised and result representation improved.
- Event > Livestream: Group permission 'Livestream' adjusted. Persons without this permission may neither watch the livestream nor participate in the live conference.
- New translations added
- Various UI improvements
- Event > Motions > Sorting 'Categories': Incorrect sorting of categories fixed.
- Event > Motions > Change recommendations: Fixed bug where change recommendations that were subsequently edited via the three-dot menu were not always saved.
- Accounts > Password changes: Fixed bug where committee admins could not change passwords. Important: If the error still occurs, please clear the browser cache.
- Event > Fonts: Fonts in woff2 file format caused problems with PDF exports. Solution: Fonts in woff2 file format are no longer supported.
- Committees > Duplicate meeting: Fixed bug that meeting could not be duplicated if 'Current list of speakers' was unset as projection default in a projector.
- Motions > PDF Export: Fixed display errors when using long URLs in motions and PDF exports
- Elections with delegations > The options have disappeared when operating very quickly
OpenSlides 4.2.4 (2025-03-10)
- Meetings menu > Create: New option 'Template' integrated into the creation mask. When creating a meeting, you can now specify directly whether this should be a template.
- Meetings menu > Moderation notes: PDF export integrated
- Meeting > eVoting : Live voting register integrated into the voting table. In the voting and election detail view, participants with the group right ' Can manage motion polls' and 'Can manage elections' can see live who has already voted. For non-nominal polls, it is still not visible who has voted with which option. It only records that someone has voted.
- Meeting > Motions > Filter > Amendments: New filter 'Is not an amendment' integrated.
- Organization administrator - Revision of permissions: The permissions of the organization administrator have been fundamentally revised and expanded. Organization administrators now have extensive rights. Specifically, this means that they can edit/enter committees and meetings without being part of the committee or meeting. This does not apply to closed meetings, which can still only be edited and entered with permission. Note: The aim of the change is to simplify the work of organization administrators.
- Meetings menu > List: Sorting optimized. Sorting is now in descending order by date. Timeless meetings are always displayed at the end of the list.
- Meeting > List of speakers: Super administrators and organization administrators can only add themselves to the list of speakers if they are part of the meeting. Important: This does not affect the ability to manage the list of speakers.
- Meeting > History: Vote delegation changes are now recorded.
- Various UI optimizations
- SAML group matching extended by new data types in attributes. (Data types: Boolean, decimal values, integer)
- Meetings menu > Duplicate: Fixed a bug where the external ID was duplicated when duplicating a meeting.
- Meetings menu > external ID of a meeting: Error fixed that external ID value could be assigned twice and was not unique.
- Meeting > Motions > PDF Export: Error fixed that line numbering was indented with centered or right-aligned text alignment.
- Meeting > Motions > Workflows: Corrected line click behavior when multiple selection is activated. Despite activated multiple selection, a workflow was opened and not selected.
- Meeting > Participants > Three-dot menu in participant line: Fixed a bug that two participant editing menus were available.
- Meeting > Participants > Mandate swap: Fixed a bug where the participant number was not swapped correctly if a person did not have a participant number. Instead of an exchange, the participant number was copied and duplicated.
- Meeting > Sorting in various menus: Fixed a bug where file listings in agenda items, motions and elections were not sorted alphabetically.
- Meeting > Settings: Fixed a bug in which indented settings were not saved if the topmost setting was changed at the same time.
- Meeting > Projector > Detailed view > PDF files Scrolling behavior: New scroll buttons added. The scrolling behavior of the new buttons is not yet final and will be revised in the next update.
OpenSlides 4.2.3 (2025-02-19)
- Motions > PDF Export: Motions with headings could not be exported.
OpenSlides 4.2.2 (2025-02-12)
Participants - new group permission 'can edit own delegation': New group permission to transfer own vote delegation integrated. Participants can use the new group permission to independently adjust their vote delegations.
- Meetings: New filter 'Status' integrated. The new filter combines previous status filters.
- Accounts > 'Merge accounts' function: Accounts can now also be merged into SAML accounts.
- Motions > Amendments: When creating an amendment, changes to the text are mandatory. Without text changes, it is no longer possible to save and create an amendment.
- Various UI improvements
- Various translations added
- User account menu > Password change: Fixed a bug that required a reload of the start page after changing the password.
- Meetings: Fixed a bug where meetings that used the functions 'motion editor' or 'spokesperson' could not be deleted.
- Accounts > Function 'Merge accounts': It was not possible to merge accounts that are not part of a meeting
- List of speakers: Fixed a bug where participants who did not see a list of speakers but were allowed to add themselves to it were not shown any structure levels.
- Motions > Export PDF: Fixed a conflict display error in the PDF. The text 'warning' and not the warning symbol was exported.
- Motions > Export PDF: Fixed a display error in the PDF if a custom font was set and motions had four-digit line numbering
- Motions > Export PDF: Fixed bug that SVG files were not output in the footer.
- Motions > Filter: Fixed a bug where filters were reset when using multiple tabs.
- Public access: Public users were not shown that a vote was in progress.
OpenSlides 4.2.1 (2025-01-16)
- Accounts > Detail view: Notes on the status of the meeting (public, closed and archived) added
- Logging out of a meeting: After logging out of a meeting, the user is redirected to the login page and no longer to the meeting login page as before
- eVoting > Proof of single votes: For nominal votes with vote weight, the single vote overview and the PDF export have been expanded to include information on the vote weight.
- eVoting > Nominal votes > Proof of single votes: Information added if votes were subsequently anonymized.
- Motions > Metadata: Visibility of submission date optimized. Users without administrative rights only see submission date if date is entered.
- Motions > Creation: Depending on whether the user has the permission ''Can see participants'' in combination with or without the permissions 'Can create motions' and 'Can manage motion metadata', the field 'submitter' is shown/hidden in the motion creation screen.
- Motions > Detailed view: PDF export optimized. When exporting motions, the currently displayed version is exported.
- Settings > General > Public access: Added a note that indicates global deactivation of the function. Function is grayed out when globally deactivated and the 'Public' group is hidden in the group rights matrix. The defined group settings are retained and can be used when reactivated.
- Language support: Italian language support updated
- Login page: When users logged out of an event and the login page was reloaded, an error was displayed.
- Logout from meeting: Fixed a bug where the 'Public access' button on the login page was not visible when logging out of a meeting despite active public access.
- Meeting > Duplicate: Duplication was not possible if a list election existed in the meeting
- Meeting > Language: Fixed bug that navigation menu was displayed in English instead of configured language.
- Motions > Creation: Fixed a bug that prevented users with the permissions ' Can create motions' and 'Can manage motion metadata' and the activated setting 'Activate submitter extension field in motion creation form' from creating motion.
- Motions > Projection: Projection problem with motions with changed line numbering and simultaneous change recommendation fixed.
- Motions > Amendments: Creating an amendment above a heading or above a bullet point led to broken amendment and an amendment list that could not be opened.
- Motions: Fixed a bug that the status field in certain configuration was clickable (not changeable) by unauthorized participants.
- Motions > Amendments: Fixed display error when using text bold in difference view.
- Elections > PDF Export: Layout error fixed for lists with more than nine candidates.
- Elections with setting 'Put all candidates on the list of speakers': Fixed a bug where candidates were not automatically put on the list of speakers when changing the phase and the phase was not changed.
- Elections > Yes per candidate with cumulative voting: Input option error in the election creation dialog in 'Max. number of votes per option' dialog. In this field it was possible to enter a value greater than the 'Maximum number of votes'. In addition, the error has been fixed that no confirmation dialog was displayed during an ongoing election after entering the maximum number of votes.
- Participants: Fixed a bug where participants were always set to absent when they were created.
- User account > Language selection: When switching languages, self-selected titles for agenda items, motions, elections or names of participants are no longer translated.
- Imprint > Count completed requests to speak: Fixed a bug where requests to speak were not recorded.
OpenSlides 4.2 (2024-12-13)
New Features:
- Motions > Amendments: New setting for extension field added to motion form. This allows participants with motion management rights to enter submitters in a free text field during the motion creation process.
- Public access > Meetings > Groups: Group name depends on the language setting of the meeting
- Logged-in users who are set to inactive are logged out immediately
- Settings > SSO > Assignment of attributes processes values more reliably
- UI improvements
- Translations added
The supported browser versions have been adjusted to the following:
- Firefox: 128
- Chrome: 120
- Safari: 16
- Opera: 86
- Edge: 120
Bug Fixes:
- Meeting > List of speakers: The “Add me” button is no longer visible if users are not allowed to add themselves to the list of speaker.
- Meeting > PDF exports: PDFs can also be exported without a meeting description.
- Meeting > PDF exports: Elections with completed ballots and topics with polls can be exported.
- Motions > Detail view with amendments: Status changes of amendments via three-dot menu are visible without reloading.
- Motions > Amendments: Deletions of entire sections or bullet points are recorded as amendments.
- Motions > Amendments: Amendments with formatted text are displayed more correctly.
- Motions > Amendments: 'Show all amendments' is deactivated by default when a motion is opened.
- Elections > List voting: Number of candidates on the list are displayed correctly on the election ballot.
- Elections > Setting: 'Put all candidates on the list of speakers': Candidates can be automatically put on the list of speakers when changing the phase to “in the election process”.
- Participants > List: Participants who can see sensitive data will see the total voting weight of proxy voters assigned to them.
OpenSlides 4.1.22 (2024-12-02)
- SAML: additional attributes for mapping integrated
- Public access: If the feature is deactivated, a corresponding message appears in the meeting settings.
- Meeting administrators - permissions revision: Meeting administrators can change personal information of accounts to which they have full access, which means that accounts are not in other meetings to which the administrators do not have access.
- Motions > Import: Function removed
- Translations added
- Public access: Fixed a bug where the favorites icon was still visible in the motion detail view.
- Global search: Fixed a bug where HTML tags were visible when displaying search results
- Text editor > Motions: If a blank line was created in the editor, this was not displayed correctly in the motion and led to errors in amendments and change recommendations.
- Motions > Motion create: Fixed a bug where the save button was not always clickable after entering the title and text.
- Motions > Projection: Fixed a bug where an empty reason was displayed in the motion and in the projection.
- Motions > Metadata > Motion editor and spokesperson: Fixed a bug where the editor/spokesperson was not displayed even though Account has permission to see metadata.
- Motions > Amendments of amendments: Fixed bug that a line reference was missing in paragraph selection and that the new text of the original amendment was not displayed as an amendment.
- Motions: Motion create was not possible with a specific set of permissions.
- Motions > Projection of final version: Projection of edited final version did not work.
- Exclude participants from meeting: Fixed bug where participants were still seeing fragments of the meeting, without updates, after exclusion.
- Participants: Deletion of participants set to present led to error.
- Projector > Projection list of speakers: Fixed bug that list flickered when updated.
- Various UI bug fixes
OpenSlides 4.1.21 (2024-11-14)
- The results of long-running actions can only be queried by users who have carried out this action.
- Participants > Filter: New filter 'Voting rights'. This filter shows which participants within one or more groups are currently entitled to vote and how many ballots and vote weights these participants have. The filter takes into account active vote delegations and the presence of participants.
- Participant list > Vote delegation: optimized display of existing vote delegations in the participant list and in the participant detail view
- Participant list > Vote weight: If vote weight is activated, the vote weight is only displayed for participants who are in a group that is set as ' Default group with voting rights' in the Motion, Election or Agenda settings.
- Reset password function: Lower and upper case letters are no longer taken into account when checking the email address in the database. Example: An account with mail also receives a password reset mail when is entered.
- Invitation e-mail: New attributes added. The following new attributes can be referenced in the invitation email: Title, first name, last name, groups and structure levels. (Groups and structure levels can only be used at meeting level).
- Performance optimizations
- Password reset function: Error fixed that an empty mail was sent when resetting the password.
- Electronic voting / elections: Participants who were set to present during an ongoing vote or election could only see the voting/election options after reloading.
- Motions: Fixed a bug where participants with the group permissions ' Can manage motions' and 'Can manage motion metadata' were shown an error message when opening the motions menu
- Participants > Participant list: The structure levels in the participant list were listed by ID and not alphabetically as intended.
- Elections > List voting - mobile view in Autopilot: Fixed a bug that caused voting options to be moved and displayed incompletely on mobile devices.
- Chat: With longer chat history, an unnecessary second scroll bar was displayed in the browser.
OpenSlides 4.1.20 (2024-10-29)
- Permissions for single sign-on configurations limited to 'superadmin'
- Participants: Display of locked out participants aligned with the display of inactive accounts
- Projection: Projection of motions including amendments and change recommendations improved
- Accounts > Account detail view: Display error with long committee or meeting names fixed
OpenSlides 4.1.19 (2024-10-23)
- Moderation note: Integration of the moderation note function in motions and elections. Administration is done via the list of speakers for motions or elections.
- Autopilot: Fixed a bug where errors were displayed in the console when adding speakers to the list of speakers if the setting 'Show hint »first speech« in the list of speakers management view' was activated
- Motions and amendments: Fixed a bug that motions and amendments could only be created by participants with the group right ''Can manage motions''.
- Elections: Elections with at least one candidate could not be deleted in 'Completed' status
- Screen Reader: Fixed a bug where incorrect language settings were recognized in the browser. The screen reader now recognizes the browser language selected by the user.
OpenSlides 4.1.18 (2024-10-18)
- Committees > Meeting > Detail view editing mask: Fixed bug that no Jitsi data could be entered by the superadmin for a closed meeting
- Duplicate meeting/create meeting from template: Duplicating meetings or creating meetings from templates not possible if there were participants with a gender entry in the meeting or template.
- Motions > Export > PDF: The wrong URL was displayed in the PDF for motions with attachments
- Motions > Projection: double projection of the reason
- Participants > Presence: Fixed a bug where participants could not set themselves to present.
- Structure levels and groups: Fixed bug where terms such as 'support' were automatically translated for a structure level or group and displayed with the translation in the filter.
- Participants > Import: Import not possible if participants had a gender entry. In addition, the preview was displayed incorrectly.
- Projector > WLAN data: Fixed bug that the last voting result was always displayed when projecting the WLAN data
- Various UI bug fixes
OpenSlides 4.1.17 (2024-10-10)
- [Test phase] New feature 'Public access' integrated. Meetings can be switched to public mode and content can be selectively made public. The use of this function requires activation by the superadmin.
- Meeting > Participants: New option to temporarily lock out participants from a meeting integrated. [ATTENTION Interface changed: Backend 2616]
- Accounts: New option for free configuration of gender information added [ATTENTION Interface changed: Backend 2485]
- Meeting > Administrators: It is no longer possible to remove the last admin. One administrator is mandatory per meeting.
- Motions > Export: CSV export extended to include final version. Note: If there is an editorial final version, this will be exported instead of the final version.
- Motions > Detailed view of motion > Poll: Standard description of poll title optimized
- Participants > New participant: New field 'Member number' integrated for referencing existing accounts. [[ATTENTION Interface changed: Backend 2586]
- Participants > Detailed view of participant: Listing of active vote delegations improved
- Participants > Group permissions: ' 'Can see the projector' permission adjusted. With this permission, only the standard projector can be seen in the autopilot, but no longer the projector menu.
- Projector > Projection of an motion: Color background of metadata can optionally be switched on or off.
- Chat: Read and write groups are only visible to participants with the group permission ''Can manage chat''
- Chat: Messages from deleted accounts are retained. The account name is anonymized after deletion
- Various translations added
- Various UI optimizations
- Performance optimizations
- Accounts / Participants > Sort function: Display error - blue marking - fixed for standard sorting
- Accounts > Export list: Initial passwords were not exported when exporting.
- Accounts: Fixed bug that accounts that wrote chat messages could not be deleted
- Committees > Detailed view committee > Edit meeting: Display error for superadmin in field 'Administrators' fixed
- Autopilot > List of speakers: If another person was deleted from the list while a speech was in progress, the speech time was reset. If the speaking time of the speaker was then paused and restarted, an incorrect speaking time was displayed.
- Motions > Polls: Default voting method 'Yes/No/ Abstain' was no longer selected as default preselection after integration of new voting method 'Yes/No'.
- Motions > Motion blocks > Creation: If '-' was selected as the parent element in the agenda during creation, a motion block could not be created.
- Motions > detail view > edit mode: Headings were sometimes displayed differently in the editor than in the detail view. Editor adapted to detailed view.
- Motions > Export CSV: Original version was exported with change recommendations
- Elections: If an entry was made for minimum and maximum votes in the 'Yes per candidate' voting method and then another voting method was selected, the minimum and maximum available votes were still displayed.
- Elections: Fixed a bug where empty candidates could be created in subsequent ballots
- Participants > Groups: Group creation was only possible by the meeting administrator
- File menus > Multiple selection: Quick edit mode could be opened when multiple selection was active.
- Projection > PDFs: Projection of multi-page PDFs not possible. Only the first page was projected.
- Various UI bug fixes
OpenSlides 4.1.16 (2024-09-25)
- Account/participant import > CSV > 'Active' column: If no entry is made in the column, the value is set to 1 during import. Accounts and participants are then imported or updated as active.
- Meeting creation: Fixed a bug where meeting containing files could not be duplicated or used as a template to create new meetings.
OpenSlides 4.1.15 (2024-09-18)
- When logging in for the first time (after this update), the error message 'Error: Presenter server_time does not exist' appears on the login page. This has no effect on the functionality of the software. Simply reload the page and log in as usual. Afterwards the error message will not appear again.
- Organization-wide files: Folders and files can be uploaded at organization level and shared globally for all meetings.
- Nominal votes > Detailed view of result > Single votes: Single vote results can be visualized and evaluated filtered by group or structure.
- Electronic motion vote: New 'yes/no' voting method implemented
- Autopilot: UI optimized for smartphones
- Motions > Projection: Projection of heading formatting between motion text and projection adjusted
- File upload in various modules: UI of the upload dialog revised
- Projectors > Timer projection: Layout of full screen timers and settings improved
- Editor: bug fixed that a line break with SHIFT+Enter triggered an automatic saving of the editor
- Meetings > Filtered meeting list: Deleting or removing an account was only visible after reloading
- Active voting display at the top of the screen was not displayed for users with voting rights who set themselves to present during an ongoing vote.
- Autopilot > List of speakers: List of speakers was sometimes displayed incompletely, especially after reloading the autopilot
- Votes and elections > Progress bar: If proxy votes were entered before an electronic vote or election and this setting was deactivated before the vote, the proxy votes were still displayed as a 100% basis for the progress bar.
- Autopilot > Active voting: Voting buttons flickered when votes were cast
- Autopilot > Voting or election result: Result was not automatically displayed in Autopilot
- Settings > List of speakers > Countdown: Function 'Display countdown in the last x seconds of the speech time in orange' displayed the set time value incorrectly in orange color
- Motions > Export in CSV/XLSX format: Submitter names in the extension field were not exported
- Projection of PDF files did not work
- Data export: UI error in notification dialog fixed
- The setting 'Disable closing connection on inactivity' in the user profile does not currently work. If the function is used, tabs become permanently inactive. Reloading the tab fixes the error. We recommend deactivating the setting afterwards.
OpenSlides 4.1.14 (2024-08-14)
- Organization level > Settings > General: New setting integrated that restricts the creation of meetings by committee administrators based on meeting templates. When activated, the 'Duplicate from' input field becomes a mandatory field.
- Closed Meetings: Meeting administrators can lock meetings from the inside and thus restrict access to the meetings to participants only.
- Logout/login process: Optimized page view after logging out and logging in again. Users return to the previously opened website after logging in again.
- Create new meeting > Duplication field: When creating a new meeting, only meeting templates can be selected via the Duplicate field.
- Elections > No per candidate: Layout optimized. General approval option appears above candidates.
- Projector > Chyron: Positioning of current agenda item and person speaking adjusted. The projected agenda item is now displayed below the person speaking.
- Various UI adjustments
- Various translations
- Accounts > Sort: Sorting did not worked
- Autopilot > List of speakers: Display error with missing names fixed
- Meeting > Projection buttons: Corrected color values of the projection button when projection is active
OpenSlides 4.1.13 (2024-07-30)
Committee administrators > Permissions extended: The account management options for committee admins have been extended. Committee admins can now edit personal data for all accounts that are part of their committees. An overview of all accounts available to them can be found in the 'Account' menu at organization level.
New text editor: The existing TinyMCE text editor was replaced by a further development of the TipTap text editor.
Development of TipTap plugin: Integration of a new plugin that enables the text import of WORD 365 docx documents.
Accounts/participants - Export and import > csv file: Order of attributes in csv file adjusted.
Autopilot > Polls: Layout of active polls has been optimized and aligned with election layout.
Elections > Cumulative votes: Performance improved with cumulative voting
UI: various layout adjustments
Motions > Forwarding: When calling up a forwarded motion, an error message appeared in the developer console
Motions/Elections > Proof of single votes: If a vote delegation was initially active, but was switched off before a vote or election, a note on the vote delegation was still displayed in the single vote proof for the persons affected by the vote delegation.
Elections: The structure levels and participant numbers of the candidates were not always loaded
Projectors > Project detail view > Messages: Text editor had not loaded correctly
Settings > Participants > Vote delegation: Activation/deactivation of vote delegation needed reload during ongoing voting to be visibly active.
Elections > Cumulated voting: bug fixed that negatively affected cumulative voting under high system load
OpenSlides 4.1.12 (2024-07-10)
- Account merge: Integration of a new function for merging multiple accounts into one account. (For details see FAQ)
- Elections: Election mode 'No per candidate' visually enhanced. Selected candidates in a deletion election are shown crossed out.
- Committee > Detailed view > Meeting tile: super- and organization admins can use the 'Participants' icon to call up a filtered list of participants for the meeting in the account menu.
- Participants: If the voting weight is switched off, the "Voting weight" sorting option is no longer displayed
- Motions > Metadata > Submitter extension field: Extension entries are now displayed in the motion list and can be searched via the search field
- Motions > Export > XLSX: All entries of the attribute ' Spokesperson' are now exported
- Polls and elections: Layout redesign
- Fallback mode: UI adjusted. The active fallback mode is now indicated by an icon to the right of the user nam
- Performance improvements
- Various translations
- Accounts > Delete dialog: In the delete dialog, old meetings were displayed in which the account was once present, but is no longer at the time of deletion.
- Meetings / committees list: Sorting of both lists were linked. This led to empty lists and error messages
- Meetings > Export: missing translations of the start and end date columns
- Meeting > Start page: UI error fixed
- Participants > Quick-Edit-Edialog > Vote delegation: When delegating voting rights from A to B was active, it was not possible to directly change the delegation of voting rights from B to A in the Quick Edit dialog in the list of participants.
- Projector > Detailed view: activated timer projection icon was displayed in all projectors, although timer was only switched on in one projector, for example
- Projector > Detailed view > Timer: UI error fixed
- Update process OpenSlides instance: Restarting the OpenSlides backend caused the superadmin password to be reset to the default value.
OpenSlides 4.1.11 (2024-06-10)
- Account merge: Integration of a new function for merging multiple accounts into one account. (For details see FAQ)
- Elections: Election mode 'No per candidate' visually enhanced. Selected candidates in a deletion election are shown crossed out.
- Committee > Detailed view > Meeting tile: super- and organization admins can use the 'Participants' icon to call up a filtered list of participants for the meeting in the account menu.
- Participants: If the voting weight is switched off, the "Voting weight" sorting option is no longer displayed
- Motions > Metadata > Submitter extension field: Extension entries are now displayed in the motion list and can be searched via the search field
- Motions > Export > XLSX: All entries of the attribute ' Spokesperson' are now exported
- Polls and elections: Layout redesign
- Fallback mode: UI adjusted. The active fallback mode is now indicated by an icon to the right of the user name
- Performance improvements
- Various translations
- Accounts > Delete dialog: In the delete dialog, old meetings were displayed in which the account was once present, but is no longer at the time of deletion.
- Meetings / committees list: Sorting of both lists were linked. This led to empty lists and error messages
- Meetings > Export: missing translations of the start and end date columns
- Meeting > Start page: UI error fixed
- Participants > Quick-Edit-Edialog > Vote delegation: When delegating voting rights from A to B was active, it was not possible to directly change the delegation of voting rights from B to A in the Quick Edit dialog in the list of participants.
- Projector > Detailed view: activated timer projection icon was displayed in all projectors, although timer was only switched on in one projector, for example
- Projector > Detailed view > Timer: UI error fixed
- Update process OpenSlides instance: Restarting the OpenSlides backend caused the superadmin password to be reset to the default value.
OpenSlides 4.1.11 (2024-06-10)
- Projector > Chyron: Selected options in the projection dialog are saved on confirmation and remain selected when reopened
- Projection > Motions: Readability of meta information improved with light font color in dark mode
- Fixed loading error when opening tabs quickly
- Accounts > List view and Committees > List view: Filter options were not translated directly when switching languages
- Autopilot: If several elections/votes are started, error messages are no longer displayed in the console
OpenSlides 4.1.10 (2024-06-10)
- Membership number: Integration of a new account attribute. This attribute is unique and can be used to reference accounts without specifying any other referencing attributes. (ATTENTION: Interface changed, #2412)
- Projectors > Chyron: The chyron has been expanded to include additional layouts and a new settings menu. It is now possible to (1) project the current agenda item and/or (2) select the current contribution in different layouts.
- Settings > Participants > Vote delegation: New authorization implemented when vote delegation is activated - 'Restrict delegation principals from voting'.
- Motions > Export > xlsx file: Export of spokesperson integrated
- Participants > Edit view in list: Improved performance for large meetings
- Participants > List view: Member number and e-mail address are now visible in the list for users with the corresponding permission
- UI optimizations
- Translations added
- Autopilot: Error message appeared in developer console when quickly switching between start page and autopilot.
- Motions > Workflow: List of workflows was not always displayed.
- Motions > Committee field: Loading problem fixed. Field was not always displayed immediately.
- Participants: Menu items were shown and hidden with a delay when changing groups.
- Settings > Participants > Vote delegation: If sub-authorizations are set, but vote delegation was generally deactivated, the sub-authorizations were still active.
- When opening a tab, a quick click on the tab may result in a loading error. In this case, please reload the tab.
OpenSlides 4.1.9 (2024-05-15)
- Meetings: List export via CSV integrated
- Motions > Detailed view of motions > Metadata: New option integrated for pre-selecting committees as submitters who are authorized to forward motions to the meeting.
- Settings > Agenda > View: New option integrated to switch the agenda navigation on and off
- Committees > Export: Export data revised and improved
- Committees > Import: Data in the sample file optimized and sample data integrated
- Motions: Navigation in the list of motions and amendments improved.
- Elections > Results: Open election details by clicking on integrated result graphic
- Participants > Group rights: Visibility of the three-dot menu in the participant overview at the end of the row requires at least the group right “ Can see participants”
- Legal notice > Statistics > Count logged-in users: New counting options integrated: All accounts, Server Send Events, Longpolling
- Autopilot > Speaking time widget: When deleting an active speech from the speech list, the associated speaking time quota was not stopped
- Applications > PDF export: URL of attachments was exported incorrectly
- Motions > PDF export: Supporters were exported in the wrong order
- Motions > Amendment detail view: Error messages in developer console fixed
- Participants > Presence status: When editing a participant, the presence was automatically activated or deactivated
- Participants > Contributions: When changing the language from German to English, filter options were not translated
- Participants > Group rights > Can see sensitive data: Participants with group rights could not see user names in the participant list
- Participants: Bug fixed that participant administration rights across events were valid for the visibility of the access data dispatch
- Projectors > Projection preferences: The preselection of amendments for a desired projector was not saved
- Projection dialog: already selected projectors and projection presets have been deselected by an auto update
- various UI errors fixed
OpenSlides 4.1.8 (2024-05-02)
- Motions: Updates in a meeting led to the closing of the editing mode of the editorial motion and thus to the loss of data from unsaved changes
- Motions: Projections of motions without submitters were not possible
- Motions > PDF Export: Without activated line numbering, an incorrect line break was created in the PDF if there is bold text in the text
- Elections: No names were displayed when projecting election results
OpenSlides 4.1.7 (2024-04-18)
- Vote delegation: New permissions implemented, which can be activated when vote delegation is activated.
- A) Restrict delegation principals from adding themselves to the list of speakers
- B) Restrict delegation principals from creating motions/amendments
- C) Restrict delegation principals from supporting motions
- Autopilot: New function for local customization of the autopilot integrated. Widgets can now be turned on and off.
- Agenda: Navigation between agenda items integrated. (Note: motions and elections are not included in the navigation).
- Participants > Group permissions: Two new group permissions added for the administration of participants.
- Can see sensitive data of participants
- Can update participants
- Participants > Contributions: New filter (speaker - has spoken / has not spoken), new sort option (by OpenSlides content) and link to OpenSlides content added.
- SSO via SAML: Option for direct login to a meeting integrated. Participants are automatically added to a predefined meeting/group.
- Fallback mode using longpolling to bypass blocked http2 connections and load the website completely (e.g. with virus scanners or firewalls that block the loading of the OpenSlides website).
- List of speakers: The list of speakers UI has been fundamentally revised and restructured.
- Agenda > Moderation notes: additional integration of the moderation notes in the detailed view of an agenda item
- Motions > Detailed view: Navigation between motions optimized for mobile devices
- Participants > Filter: Filter selection adapted to new group permissions. Filter options are shown and hidden depending on the group permissions.
- Participants > Users: User profiles without a first name and surname are given a system name based on the current ID (e.g. user 1323)
- Projection of motions: Improved projection transitions between motions
- Projector > Projection of 'Speaking time - current contribution': Extended range of functions. All speech types are displayed with information about speech type, speaking time and, if applicable, outline level.
- Meeting > Settings: Restructuring of the settings menus
- Various UI improvements
- various translations added
- Global search: Results list did not display a scrollbar
- List of speakers: Fixed a bug that active contributions were not stopped correctly, but only paused. This caused an overlapping of contributions.
- List of speakers: Moving requests to speak not possible when the speaking time widget is activated
- Participants > Contributions: Fixed bug that motion identifiers were not loaded
- Participants > List view > Three-point menu: The 3-point menu was also visible for participants who did not have (restricted) administrative rights
- Motions > Detail view > submitter extension: Projection display error and missing PDF export fixed
- Motions: Display error in motion list fixed. Motion submitters were displayed with undefined instead of their name.
- Projection > Chyron: Structure level was not displayed in the chyron
- Settings > Default groups with voting rights: Fixed a bug where changes and saves were not saved.
- Settings > Agenda > Show submitter in the agenda: Setting was not active despite being marked
- SAML: Downgraded "samlify" component to v2.8.10. (samlify sets an empty string as default for AllowCreate in authn request which leads to errors in some IdPs. samlify in 2.8.11 does not recognize the AllowCreate attribute)
- various UI errors fixed
OpenSlides 4.1.6 (2024-03-27)
- Settings > List of speakers: New option added. Information about the number of requests to speak can optionally be deactivated.
- List of speakers > Speaking times widget: New options for time adjustment integrated; 'Reset', 'Add' and 'Subtract'.
- Participants > New function 'Change of mandate': New function for simplified change of mandate integrated. Participant number and group can be changed between two delegates.
- PDF export motions > Multiple export: New option integrated. Change requests can be output in abbreviated form.
- List of speakers > Projection of the entire list: various optimizations integrated; especially in the use of interposed questions
- UI > Motions > Metadata: Offset optimized
- Various translations added
- Projectors: Fixed a bug that showed all participants, not just admins, the active projections in each module.
- Participants > Import: Fixed a bug in relation to structure levels that prevented data import.
- Elections > Result projection: Election results could not be projected
- Elections > Vote delegation: Fixed a bug that prevented ballots from being stopped and/or ended when vote delegation was enabled.
- File menus: Fixed a bug that displayed an unnecessary scrollbar
- Projector > Timer: When creating a new timer with the value 0:00, this value was not saved.
OpenSlides 4.1.5 (2024-03-20)
- Accounts: Attribute 'Username' added to sorting
- Motions > Metadata: Submitters can be added as free text. (ATTENTION: Interface changed, #3377)
- Motions > Metadata: The submission date can be adjusted manually (date/time).
- Motions > PDF export: Metadata free text applicant, 'spokesperson' and 'motion editor' are exported with single motion export.
- List of speakers > Speaking times widget: Structure level time editing adjusted. The input is now in minutes:seconds.
- List of speakers > Last speakers: UI customization of the remove button.
- Motions: Sorting of supporters adjusted. They are sorted alphabetically by first name.
- Motions > List view: Long category names are abbreviated
- Motions > Word-by-word check: UI in metadata optimized
- Participants > csv file for export/import: The order of the columns has been aligned with the fields in the participant detail view.
- Projectors: Complete projection information in lists (agenda/motions/elections) - currently projected elements - can only be seen by participants with the corresponding group permissions.
- UI: extensive customization of UI components (especially dialogs and buttons)
- UI: Data import information text at the top of the screen optimized
- Various translations added
- Committees > Export csv file: Column names and date formatting adapted to the import file
- Committees - Administration: Committee admins could not add themselves to a meeting as admin if the meeting had no date.
- Meeting import: Fixed bug that blocked meeting import.
- Votes/Elections/Polls: Stopping was not possible when the voting delegation was activated.
- List of speakers > Interposed questions: Fixed a bug where interposed questions could not be recalled without a main request to speak. Interposed questions can now be recalled if there is an active request to speak. Without an active request to speak, interposed questions cannot be recalled, as they require an active request to speak.
- List of speakers > Points of order: Paused points of order were overlaid by a new speech. Two speeches could be active. If a point of order is paused and a new speech is started, the point of order is automatically ended again.
- List of speakers > Interposed question: Participants with an structure level could not be placed on the list of speakers with an interposed question if structure levels were not linked to speaking times.
- List of speakers: It was not possible to sort the list of speakers when interposed questions were placed.
- List of speakers: Participants who are only allowed to see themselves on the list of speakers were able to see the speaking time widget.
- Elections > Single vote record: General abstentions, general rejections and general approvals were not listed in the single vote record.
- Participants > Import: If a user was imported with a voting weight in the wrong number format, a backend error was generated. This is prevented by a warning message during import.
- Participants -> Import: Fixed a bug that prevented the update of data with an existing structure level.
- Meeting > Settings: 'Reset to default settings' did not work
OpenSlides 4.1.4 (2024-03-14)
- Fixed a bug that caused connection aborts/loading issues (error during communication with the autoupdate service)
OpenSlides 4.1.3 (2024-03-11)
- New Structure Level Management: The participant attribute 'Structure Level' has been reworked and expanded. It is now possible to create structure levels and assign color values to them via a new menu. In addition, the management of participants with multiple structure levels has been improved. (Filtering by structure level, assignment via multiple selection) [ATTENTION: Interface changed, PR#1996]
- IMPORTANT: Existing structure levels are automatically created as new structure levels. If an existing structure level is, for example, in the format "Board, AG Bau, BAG Netzpolitik", then the new structure level is in the same format and is NOT separated. This must be done manually.
- Speaking time management: Linking of structure levels with configurable speaking time quotas. With the integration of this feature, it is now possible to represent structure levels (e.g. parliamentary groups or coalitions) with their specific speaking time quotas.
- Speaking time widget: Visualization of all available speaking time quotas (with names of the structure levels and optional color stripes) as a separate widget in the Autopilot. If required, the speaking time quotas can be adjusted in the widget.
- List of speakers: Participants can be added to a list of speakers multiple times.
- List of speakers > Point of order: Points of order can be put for other persons. (only for list of speakers admins)
- List of speakers: Integration of new types of requests to speak: '(parliamentary) interposed question' and an 'intervention'.
- Overview of speakers: Via the new menu 'Contributions' in the Participants module, it is possible to view all contributions of a meeting, filter/sort them or export them via CSV file.
- Projectors: Integration of two new projectors to display speaking time quotas; a) display of the current speech with speaking time quota and b) display of all structures with their speaking time quotas.
- Projectors > Timer: Enhancement of the existing functionality. It is now possible to set a timer (stopwatch).
- Moderation notes: A new field 'Moderation notes' can be filled in for each agenda item. This content is displayed in the Autopilot under the current list of speakers. A new right controls who can see this field.
- Motions > Recommendations: The recommendations of motions can be set to not public in the workflow depending on their status.
- Motions > Metadata: Integration of two new selection fields in the metadata; 'Motion editors' and 'Spokesperson'.
- Motions: Check for word-for-word match integrated. If there is an equal worded motion text, this will be displayed in the metadata.
- Voting records: New filter options have been integrated in the voting record (Entitled Users) for motions and elections. These enable filtering by presence at the time of voting and by voter turnout.
- Participant import: New column 'structure_level' added. The new column can be used to add and create new structure levels during import.
- IMPORTANT: By changing the 'Structure level' attribute, old csv files can no longer be used.
- Accounts > Detail view: Removal of the 'Default structure level' attribute. Setting/creating structure levels is now only possible at meeting level.
- Participant import: When importing participants, the import is blocked if one or more incorrect (unknown) email addresses are used for participants. A message is displayed in the import preview to identify the affected participants.
- Motions > Detail view: Position swap of the metadata submission date and creation date.
- Motions > Detail view: The visibility of 'Creation date' has been adjusted. The 'Creation date' is now only visible to users with the group right 'Can manage motions'.
- Motions > Delete: If a motion with amendments should be deleted, a warning is displayed which lists the existing amendments.
- Motions with amendments > Delete: Deleting a motion with amendments deletes both the motion as well as all amendments.
- Applications > Creation: When creating an application, the preamble is also displayed.
- Meeting import: The import of meetings is now only possible as 'Superadmin'.
- New translations added and various existing formulations optimized.
- UI: Readability of texts in dark mode, more precisely of texts in fields that are currently being edited, improved.
- UI: Imprint > Requests to speak: UI optimization of 'Count completed requests to speak'.
- UI: Imports > Preview: improved display of data and errors.
- Accounts: Existing accounts with spaces in the user name can be edited and updated again. The successful creation of the account is confirmed visually and the account is created with a consecutive number after the user name.
- Creation of users/accounts via lists: Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of user names in a talk list, for example, if an identical user name already existed. The successful creation of the account will be visually confirmed.
- Participant import > CSV file: Groups can be added or changed again via CSV import
- Motions > Amendments > Workflow: Preset workflows for amendments that differ from the workflows of the motion are used/displayed correctly again.
- Motions > Creation: Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong workflow when creating a motion than the one that was manually preset.
- Settings > Motions: The setting "Default text version for change recommendations and projection of motions " will again correctly display the selected version by opening a motion.
- Reset password: Navigation error when using password reset URL fixed.
4.1.2 (2024-02-08)
- Editing of existing user profiles with spaces in the user name is possible again. This ONLY affects existing usernames with spaces. New users still cannot be created with spaces in their username.
4.1.1 (2024-01-12)
- Account import: If a CSV file contains non-permitted values for the vote weight, the corresponding line is marked as an error in the preview and the import is blocked.
- SSO: As an organization admin, the SSO identifier can be set via the interface when creating a user. (changed API)
- Account/participant import: Adding an already selected file again resulted in an error.
- Files: Font file format TFF could not be uploaded
- Motions: When forwarding motions, an empty shell of the forwarded motion may have been visible in the motions menu.
- Motions > Metadata: When deleting and/or adding submitters, the preview was sometimes not displayed.
- Motions > Motion blocks: Layout error for motion block with long title
- Files: Layout error when editing permissions fixed.
OpenSlides 4.1.
Security improvements:
Changing the own password leads to the termination of all own logged-in connections
- Account import: warning messages optimized
- Participant import: warning messages optimized
- Participant import: Fields that may not be changed are marked with a symbol
- Participant import: Incorrect data is marked and rejected for import
- Participant import: optimized referencing of groups. The groups must be created before the import
- Participant import: Participants can be updated depending on admin rights
- Amendments: When creating amendments, only the category of the motion is adopted, not the motion block or tag
- Imports (general): If an incorrect file is used, the summary and preview are removed
- Global search: UI and function improvements
- User data > Change user name: Saving user names with spaces is prevented
- Vote weight: Participants with a vote weight that is too low can no longer be saved. A corresponding warning is displayed when saving.
- New translations
- Participant import: The presence status could not be imported
- Files: SVG and HTML files could not be uploaded
- Meetings: Titles of archived meetings were difficult to read
- List of speakers: "Re-add last speaker" could lead to error messages or incorrect behavior
4.0.17 (2023-12-06)
- File upload: Security check of file content to avoid files with malicious content.
- File upload: Download behavior adjusted. Files can now only be downloaded and no longer opened directly.
- Participants: Display of the sum of the vote weighting added. Tip: The sum of the vote weighting is calculated based on the visible participants. When setting a filter, the total can be restricted to a specific group, for example.
- 'Forgot password' function: E-mail subject with user name extended.
Motions > Amendments: When creating amendments, only categories are adopted. Motion blocks and tags are not transferred.Neue Tooltips hinzugefügt
- UI improvements
- Password change user account: Despite entering an incorrect old password, a successful password change was displayed.
- 'Forgot password?" function and password change in the user account: Password could not be changed.
- 'Forgot password?" function: Although the validity of the verification link is limited to 10', a false positive password change was displayed after this time.
- Function 'Forgot password?': Forwarding error when opening the e-mail link. The login web page opened instead of the 'Reset password' web page.
- Meeting creation: Some content was not translated when German language was selected
- Autoupdate error: If the website was reloaded when a motion was created and then saved, various errors occurred. (e.g. incomplete display of the application or missing automatic playback of the livestream)
- Motions > XLSX Export: false translation of the motion title by 'user-defined translations'
- Motions > Workflow: Two settings were not exported
- Motions > Amendments: Error in line numbering prevented presentation of an amendment
4.0.16 (2023-11-23)
- Login process: Security of the login process improved
- Organization level > Meetings > Duplicate: Meetings participants with a vote weight of 0 are converted to a new vote weight format during duplication. Participants are given a vote weight of 0.000001.
- Global search: various UI adjustments
- Global search: Search terms and results are retained within a tab
- Global search: folders can be opened directly
- Global search: Search extended to include titles, polls and elections as well as reasons of motions
- Global search: search algorithm refined
Tool tips: various UI optimizations
- Organization level > Meetings > Duplicate: Events with participants who have a voting weight of 0 could not be duplicated. (Solution: see second optimization point)
- Meeting > Vote weight: Participants who were created with a vote weight of 0 before the 4.0.13 update were incorrectly displayed with a vote weight of 1 after the update.
- Meeting > List of speakers: Speeches from deleted accounts were deleted without anonymized referencing
- Meeting > Motions: Applications were loaded incompletely with the error 'undefined' if one or more applications were opened in the detail view in five or more tabs.
- Meeting > Motions > Multiple selection: If motions are to be added to the agenda via multiple selection, this is canceled if one or more motions are already on the agenda
- Meeting > Projection of motions: incorrect line numbering for motions with self-assigned start line numbering
- Meeting > Projectors: Layout bug in projector title
- Angular integration: various UI errors
4.0.15 (20231114)
- New language added: French (Note: The language integration is not yet complete. Missing translations are displayed in English).
Group permissions: Adjustment of the default groups created when creating a meeting and their default permissions.
Motions: Opening motions quickly in multiple tabs caused loading problems. Motions were loaded incompletely. Instead of an application text, the error message 'undefined' was displayed.
4.0.14 (20231113)
- Meeting > Settings > Motions > General > Default setting for change recommendation: This function also includes projections, so a more precise function description has been added.
- Motions/Elections > Settings: Changing the default value from the preset voting type to 'Analog' generated errors. Voting or elections were no longer possible after setting the change.
- Motion blocks > List > Detailed view of a block: Layout problem with recommendation information fixed
- Motions > Workflow: changed sorting was not active in drop-down selection 'Next states'
- Account import: various bug fixes in relation to vote weight import
- Fixed various UI errors
4.0.13 (20231101)
- Voting weight: A vote weight with the value 0 can no longer be set. A value greater than or equal to 0.000001 must be set.
- Navigation between meetings: Filter selection is now only active per event and no longer across events
- Creation of a new account: Use of an incomplete e-mail address - an invalid e-mail format - is no longer possible.
- Global search: UI improvements
- Speaking lists: Points of order are no longer counted as requests to speak
- Projectors > Countdowns: Countdowns greater than 60 minutes integrated
- Imprint > Requests to speak: The duration of all requests to speak is now displayed in hh:mm
- Account > Import: Data import with duplicated content (e.g. multiple use of the same user name in different lines) was possible.
- Committees > New meeting: No meetings were displayed in the "Duplicate from" field after page reload.
- Agenda > Projection of agenda: Projection of the agenda also showed the last election result
- Agenda > Projection of TO: TO numbering of motions and elections was not displayed
- Motion blocks (menu): Favorites icon was missing for favorite motions
- Motion blocks: Block names starting with spaces could be created. This led to incorrect filter sorting.
- Elections: Reloading of election results created incorrect representation of candidates / elected persons. Deleted users were displayed.
- Elections/polls: preset voting group was not displayed as default value when creating an election/poll if an election/poll was previously created with another group in the same election or in the same motion.
- Files: Download folder not possible
- Projectors > Chyron: Font change not visible on iOS devices
- Chat: No chat update during longer periods of inactivity
- Imprint: Link to the version history did not work
4.0.12 (20231101)
- Global search - UI improvements
- List of speakers - Last speakers: Speech meta information of a deleted user is retained
- Projection of a motion with amendments: Projection of amendments with conflicts optimized
- Angular Update
- Motions > Motion blocks: Option "Remove motion from block" was displayed to all participants in the mobile view
- Motions > Motion blocks: Motions were displayed with incorrect system number
- Elections: Ballots could be created based on deleted users in the list of candidates
- Projectors: Deselection of projection defaults partially not possible
- History > Motions: Motion identifiers were not always displayed
- History > Participants: If the account list was previously opened, all accounts were visible in the participants menu
4.0.11 (20231019)
- PDF export of motions: referenced motions are also exported in the single PDF export if the "Show referenced motions" function is deactivated
- New tab: Loading error when opening a new tab
4.0.10 (20231018)
Accounts/participants: New filter option 'Gender' added
- Global search: improved usability and results output
- Account data import: SAML (Single-Sign-On) integrated
- List of speakers: Present info added
- Amendment creation: Integration of a new back button
- various performance improvements (Autoupdate/Shared-Worker)
- Speech counter: Layout optimization for longer structure level names
- Motions > Add submitter via multiple selection: Administrator 'superadmin' could select users from the account list as submitters. -> Optimized for meeting participants
- Livestream window: UI position improved to avoid overlap with other OS content
- Files: Click behavior of the image icon optimized
- Permission problem: Organization and committee admins could no longer set themselves as meeting admins
- Motion creation: unintentionally selected category was permanently set during motion creation and could only be deleted afterwards
- Motions - Creation: Search in category selection field was incorrect
- Motions: Incorrect submitter structure level displayed in motion list
- Amendment: incorrect line numbering displayed in various constellations
- Motions - Multiple selection: Removal of favorites generated error message
- Motions - Multiple selection: Adding / removing submitters generated error message for existing or non-existing submitters
- Motions - Move to call list: Moving applications was not possible
- PDF export of motions: Content with strikethrough and underlined formatting exported incorrectly
- Motions: incorrect numerical sorting displayed
- Agenda: The names of motions were displayed incorrectly after reloading
- Participants: Filter could only be removed with multiple clicks
- Participants - multiple selection: Adding groups was not possible if one of the selected users was already assigned to a group
- Participants - Create user in meeting / wrong permission: Meeting admin could change personal information
- Participants - Detailed user view: meeting-specific information partially not visible
- Meetings - Tags: Users without authorization were able to access the tag page
- Projectors: No update received after cache reset
- Projector UI error on iOS devices: font in countdown displayed slightly offset twice
- Projectors: Projector could not be deleted when the projector detail view was open
- Number of accounts per meeting: incorrect number of accounts per meeting displayed
- History: individual module elements could not be opened.
- Organization level > Design: some designs were not displayed
4.0.9 (20230915)
- Extensive performance optimizations in the client (including motion detail page and autopilot)
- List of speakers: Speeches on points of order can be brought back
- Motions - Metadata: UI customization
- Hyperlink visualization for light and dark theme improved
- Motions > Metadata > Motion support: Sorting improved
- Motions: Motion export via multiple selection had incorrect sorting
- PDF export requests: incorrect PDF file name set for list export
- Motions PDF Export: Number of open speeches was missing in the export
- Motions - Motion support: incorrect referencing of supporters
- Amendments: missing content of amendments
- Amendment list: missing note for empty amendment
- Change recommendations: Link in summary of changes did not work
- List of speakers: Layout problem when moving speeches
- Vote delegation: Persons with granted voting rights first had to open the list of participants in order to be able to vote
- Projectors: empty preview window in the projector setting
- Chyron: Flickering with two active chyrons (in different projectors)
- Meeting creation: Meeting copy not possible
- Hidden agenda item/motion in autopilot generates client error. The list of speakers for the subsequent public agenda item/motion then contains empty names
4.0.8 (20230906)
- new global search (search across all meetings or only in selected meeting)
- Wi-Fi access data can be set in the general settings (of a meeting) and projected as a QR code
- Logged-in participants can be counted (Legal notice > Logged-in Users > Count logged-in users) - only for (meeting) administrators
- Extensive performance optimizations of all list views
- Standard sorting of motions optimized: When changing the default sorting (call list or identifier), the sorting now changes for all users (if no specific sorting has been selected)
- Referring motions are now also displayed in the motion PDF
- a user is now redirected to the login page when a linked file is opened without the user being logged in
- Meeting creation: To create one-day meetings, only one day now needs to be selected (previously the same day had to be selected twice)
- Meeting: UI improvements to the voting banner
- UI and content optimization of the dialog when several participants are removed and/or accounts are deleted
- Participants can now be removed from meetings, even if they were a candidate in an election
- The import of agenda items has been reworked
- Updates are now already detected and carried out on the login page
- Motions menu: A small blue circle now indicates whether you are not following the standard list sorting
- translations updated
- The event date can be set and removed again via the general settings of the event.
- The editing window of motions can now be used again to change the meta information
- Various options from the multi-select menu in motions have been repaired and can now be used again (e.g. set subject areas, set keywords)
- New participants can now be created directly in a motion as submitters
- New participants can now also be created in the list of speakers
- Orga and account admins can again create new accounts and save general organization settings
- The motion identifiers and topic identifiers are now displayed and adopted in more places
- In a motion block: if the recommendation is followed and some motions are already at a final stage, an error message is no longer thrown
- Agenda items are now permanently deleted/removed
- The button for general abstentions is now visible for "Yes/No" votes
- If "show first speech" is activated, autoupdate errors could occur in the autopilot, these are now prevented
- When a motion is marked as a favorite, "undefined" no longer appears in the personal note
- Default settings for the projectors for categories added and improved.
- Media files that are projected no longer trigger error messages, even if media files may not be opened
- The chat can now only be used by participants who have the correct permission
4.0.7 (20230727)
- List of speakers setting: new setting integrated for linking points of order and closing the list of speakers
- Point of order specifications: predefined labels are sorted alphabetically in the dialog box in the list of speakers
- Motions > Categories: Option to assign identical prefixes integrated
- Points of order specification: The selection was no longer displayed in already submitted points of order when the list of speakers was closed
- SAML login: Login to OpenSlides via SAML not possible
4.0.6 (20230717)
- Point of order - function extended: New, permanently definable points of order can be created via a free text field and weighted in any order. The newly created points of order are selected as usual via the point of order button in the autopilot. The configuration of the new function is done via the list of speakers setting.
- New custom translation added: English to English
- Participants > Group permissions: It is no longer possible to create groups with identical names
- Motions and motion blocks menu: Filter decoupled. Filters can be set independently in both menus.
- Group permissions and workflows: Added information texts
- PDF export of motions: Page layout optimized
- Responsive layout optimized for different browser scalings
- Various UI optimizations
- Duplicate meetings: Meetings with forwarded motions could not be copied
- Fixed error message when navigating from the agenda to the dashboard
- Agenda: incorrect numbering created (Note: error correction not retroactive for existing agenda. To activate, an agenda item must be moved and saved. The correct numbering is then applied).
- Accounts that are simultaneously in an active and archived meeting were unintentionally deleted from the archived meeting when they were deleted from the active meeting
- Projectors > Queue: UI error in edit mode. Long titles overlaid trash can icon.
- Chat: Messages were displayed without user names
- SAML login error fixed
4.0.5 (20230704)
- Integrated single sign-on solution based on SAML protocol
- New field integrated in committee, meetings and groups for identification for external applications
- E-mail transmission: if errors occur during e-mail transmission, an extended error message appears with a note on the error
- Groups with participants cannot be deleted. Participants must first be deleted from the group.
- Password optimization: Readability of generated passwords improved. Ambiguous letters and numbers are no longer used in generated passwords.
- new translations added
- Group permissions > Permission 'Can manage motion metadata': Fixed bug that prevented editing of all metadata
- Meeting > Participants > Create account: Error during account creation fixed. When creating an account, there was an error when entering new data when switching back from step 3 to step 1. This data was retained and existing accounts were incorrectly combined with previously entered data.
- Agenda: Fixed various layout problems when using long agenda items.
- Participants menu > Presence checkbox (mobile view): Presence was not displayed correctly
- Participants menu (mobile view): Account projection option removed
- Dashboard: Meetings categorized incorrectly when removing the date
- Vote delegation: Fixed a display error that displayed the wrong number of selected options
- Vote delegation: Detailed voting information was not displayed for nominal polls/elections
4.0.4 (20230616)
- Uploaded files at organization level are not displayed
4.0.3 (20230615)
- Motions > Create: Form fields are emptied when creating an application if the browser window width is reduced to mobile size
4.0.2 (20230609)
- List of speakers: Visibility of requests to speak in the list of speakers can be limited to personal requests to speak. The limitation is done via the group permission " Can see list of speakers".
- Projectors: Projectors can be set to internal.
- New release versioning scheme (
- Agenda: agenda items can be created via the three-item menu using the new menu item 'Create sub-item'
- Search and filter function optimized
- Length of meeting names in the projector limited
- Category sorting optimized by sequential number
- Layout adjustments for tool tips
- Layout optimization of the meeting creation mask
- Calendar view optimized for mobile devices
- Translations added / revised
- Optimization for long titles
- Files: Added possibility to link folders
- Display problem of motion identifier in autopilot, agenda and lists of speakers
- Motion forwarding: Motions forwarded incompletely via multiple selection
- Motion blocks: Editing of motion blocks with ""Can manage motion metadata"" permission possible
- Motion blocks: Long block names create unwanted scroll bar
- Scrollbar appears and disappears in Chrome when opening editing masks
- Committees > Create meeting: Duplication of meeting not possible
- Motions > PDF export: bullet points in justification not exported
- Vote delegation: incorrect display of the total number of votes in the progress bar
- Design: incorrect saving behavior fixed
- Design: global color selection for poll and election results added
- Group permissions: Memory hint added
- Participant import: Note added for duplicate data set in csv import
- Pronoun field: Field limited to a maximum of 32 characters
- Motions: new sorting function " Sequential number" added
- Motion texts: A loading bar is displayed if the Internet connection is slow
- Interface improvements in the Motions menu
- Agenda > Votes: groups authorized to vote can be preset
- Video conference tool: if browser blocks access to microphone and camera, a message is displayed
- CPU load reduced when creating motions
- UI optimizations
- new translations added
- Code and performance optimizations
- Motion forwarding: Title change not forwarded
- Motions > Change recommendations: Change recommendation partially visible only after reloading
- Motions > Change recommendations: Deletion via 3-point menu only visible after reloading
- Motion editing > Editorial final version: automatic closing of the text editor
- Amendment list: Filter "Status" can be used correctly again according to the defined workflow
- Motion blocks: Removal via multiple selection not possible
- Motion > PDF Export: Change recommendations from amendments not shown
- Motion > Amendment list > PDF Export: Bullet points not visible from second level
- Elections: Candidates were incorrectly displayed as deleted users
- Participants > Vote delegation: Editing not possible in Quick Edit mode
- Vote delegation: Vote delegation still displayed after deletion
- Video conference room (Jitsi integration): Invitation of one person to the conference room led to the invitation of all persons on the list of speakers
- Video conference: Use of the video conference not possible if browser denied access to playback/recording devices
- Livestream: not available after reloading the website
- Safari browser: Meeting creation not possible
- Projector: Image files cannot be projected
- Projector: Incorrect scroll bar behavior with projections fixed
- Various UI errors fixed
- Motions: New search option in the search menu: Search extended to include freely entered recommendation and status texts
- Code and performance optimizations
- Browser multi-tab usage improved
- Elections: Scrolling problem in detailed overviews for single votes and entitled voters fixed
- File group permissions: Button synchronization error when selecting and deselecting groups fixed
- Setting "Only present participants can be added to the list of speakers" works correctly again
- Analog polls: Color display error fixed
- Setting "Sort motions by call list" works correctly again
- Motions > Supporters can be deleted again
- Motions > Supporters are again displayed correctly in the motion meta information
- Fixed saving errors when entering analog elections, votes and polls
- Elections > analog list vote could not be entered
- Account menu: New filter options for duplicates added.
- Organization level: New menu item Meetings added
- Elections: New List election method integrated. This makes it possible to vote for a list of candidates.
- Translations revised
- Participant import improved
- Motions menu: Motion creation date is only displayed if sorted by creation date.
- UI customizations
- Performance improvements
- Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong sort order in category selection menus
- Fixed a bug that caused administrators to see template meetings in the calendar overview
- Safari error message fixed
- Fixed incorrect save button behavior in meeting settings
- Fixed bug that allowed organization admin to edit superadmin
- Agenda: PDF export for vote results and new option for PDF export for poll ballots added
- Organization level: Organization admins can define an organization-wide web logo under Files. Meeting admins can customize this if required.
- File upload: Files are uploaded one after another, no longer in simultaneous uploads.
- missing translations added
- Jitsi integration updated
- Optimized projector visualization
- Motions: Optimized presentation of referring motions
- Various backend and frontend code optimizations
- Motions menu: Error in the motion tile view fixed
- Motions menu: Fixed a bug where an error message is displayed when opening the motion list or a motion in an archived event
- Motions menu: multiple motions without identifiers can be created again
- Motions menu: Categories with sub-categories are sorted correctly again
- PDF export motions: Table of contents is sorted correctly again
- PDF export motions: Supporter option can be selected/deselected correctly again
- PDF export motions: Bullet points with sub-bullet points can be exported again
- PDF export motions: Formatting of bullet points and sub-bullet points are exported correctly
- PDF export motions: Export of clickable URL in PDF file possible again
- PDF export motions: Field "personal notes" is exported correctly again
- List of speakers overlay in the projector: overlay no longer scrolls with the projector
- Text editor: Fixed bug where text editor is overlaid by navigation bar in full screen mode. Text editor is displayed in full screen.
- Files > Logo setting: Logo can be deselected/selected again without reloading the website
- Files menu: The three-dot menu behind a file can be used again. Image no longer freezes.
- Forwarded motions are no longer displayed or hidden as fragments when access is restricted
- Point of order button: Canceling a point of order no longer leads to the creation of an incorrect point of order
- Projector setting: New fade-in option for lists of speakers added. In the standard projector, the view can be switched between the currently projected content and the associated list of speakers.
- New statistics added to the imprint: Active events and Active accounts
- New filter options added to the Accounts menu: Active events and Archived events
- Elections: PDF export option for nominal individual votes added
- Archived meeting: Info banner fixed at the top of the screen
- Projector > Edit projector > Projection defaults: Participants option removed, because no projection of participants is possible
- Amendments to motions with keywords can be created again
- Banners (e.g. for elections) do not create a second scrollbar anymore
- Committee detail view: After deleting a meeting, the meeting list is displayed correctly again with archived meetings
- Participant detail view: Default group is now correctly removed when another group is selected.
- Motions: Sub bullet points are exported in the correct form and formatting in a pdf file
- UI bug fixes
- Logging of the last login time per account (incl. filtering in account list)
- Projector: Projected PDF documents can be zoomed using the usual projector zoom buttons
- Participant CSV import: check primarily by user name and secondarily by e-mail address
- Motion export as CSV/XLSX exports incorrect sequential number (database ID)
- Projected PDF documents can be scrolled up/down using the usual projector scroll buttons
- Motion: export dialog now offers new export option for sequential number.
- Multiple selection of amendments: Click on the line to select amendment
- Livestream: Minimize/maximize livestream window with new arrow indicator icon
- Elections: "Majority" checkboxes are now only displayed for candidates, no longer for totals fields (valid/invalid votes)
- Warning on the login page if HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is not supported.
- Warning (spinning spinner icon) if no connection (e.g. to the autoupdate service) is possible.
- Committee CSV import now also supports ; as separator.
- After meeting import (e.g. from OS3) the login with the initial password does not work.
- Forwarding a motion to several meetings at the same time leads to an error (if the submitter has not yet been added as a new user in the target meeting).
- Motion: Motion forwarding menu entry (in the 3-point menu) is also displayed in the status if forwarding is not possible.
- History: For history entries of change recommendations, the status is used instead of the recommendation
- Livestream: Jitsi live conference window not always visible, reload necessary.