Attachments: To save attachments to motions, upload them beforehand under > Files. Attachments can also be added later.
Category: You can divide a large amount of motions into several categories. In the menu Motions you can find the option "Categories" in the 3-point-menu. You can add as many categories as desired as well as prefixes which can be added to the Identifier of a motion.
Comment fields: Use this function for additional remarks, justifications or further notes.
- > Motions > 3-point menu > Comment fields > (+) Add > Define read and write permissions
- The comments can be displayed in the PDF export.
Font size: The font size (for PDF export) can be changed under Settings > General > in the "Export" section. Font size 10 is the default setting, which usually fits well with line length 85 (> Settings > Motions).
Import: Motions can be imported via CSV-import or pasted via copy&paste.
- Please divide long applications into separate chapters for easier and conflict-free handling.
- Please delete all formatting before importing, as this can lead to undesired page effects during transfer.
Internal state: The internal state for motions does not exist explicitly. It is defined by the following two settings:
- > Motions > 3-point menu > Workflows > Complex Workflow > Restrictions > "May see applications in internal state".
- In parallel, in > Participants > 3-point menu > Groups > Motions > "Can see motions in internal state" must be activated for the respective group.
- Further access restrictions can be defined, according to the options offered.
Lists: If possible, use simple lists without additional formatting or nested lists.
Motion blocks: In order to vote on several motions in a block, you can use "motion blocks". We recommend to have recommendations for all motions in a block.
Motion title: If the heading or title of a motion is to be the subject of amendments, please follow these steps:
- Enter the title of your request in the "Title" line.
- In addition, please also write the title of your motion in the text editor field below the title line and format it as "Heading 1". To do this, click in the text editor menu on the far left on the first button with the default setting "Paragraph", select the "Headings" option in the drop-down menu and then the "Heading 1" option.
Origin: The "Origin" field is a free text field with up to 255 characters. For example, you can enter here if the motion was postponed at a previous meeting or has gone through a required committee route via the motion committee/board. The field can also be used flexibly as required in the meeting or left blank.
Original version: If possible, you should no longer edit or adapt the original version of a motion as soon as amendments are referenced to it.
- In particular, deleting paragraphs or lines in the original motion leads to incorrect display if there are still existing references to amendments. These conflicts must be resolved beforehand.
- To resolve these conflicts afterwards, insert the corresponding lines or paragraphs again, then delete the amendments (if this is consistent with their logic) and only then continue with further processing.
Present: In order to vote on an application, persons with voting rights must be set to "present" (in the profile at the top left).
Restore: If you want to restore a deleted motion, enter the sequential number (database ID, which is visible in the URL, not the motion identifier) into the search of the > History
State, new/own: If you want to define individual, custom workflows, you can rename the states under > Motions > 3-point menu > Workflows
- rename (click on the title)
- add new (+) on the top right
- define completely custom workflows
Supporters: For motions, there is the possibility to collect supporters so that the application can be e.g. permitted. It is always possible to see who has registered as a supporter.
To activate the function for support you must:
- activate the right "Can support motions" for the corresponding group
- select "Allow support" for the status in the workflow
- enter the required number of supporters in Settings > Motions