How can I display and scroll through PDFs?

The display of the projectors is set to 16:9 format by default.
If you want to display detailed PDFs we recommend:
  • either save the PDF in landscape format for the OpenSlides projector
  • or present the PDF to the delegates via screen-sharing in the respective videoconference
  • or store it additionally under files in OpenSlides for self-inspection of the delegates.
PDFs cannot be displayed completely in A4 portrait format via the internal OpenSlides projector. Scrolling is not possible.

Hints and tips

  • If the content of your PDF consists mainly of text, we recommend copying the text into a motion or agenda item. When this item is projected, you can scroll through the text in the projector.
  • When creating a motion or agenda item, you can add attachments and select one or more of the uploaded files to it.