Point of order


To allow points of order, the function must be activated under the > Settings > Agenda by checking the box "Enable points of order".


In the speaker list, the "point of order" field will then appear next to the "Add me" field.

If this button is pressed, the person immediately moves to the top of the speaking list and a red exclamation mark appears after the name. Additionally, after pressing the button for a point of order, the person defines their request. Whether this request is visible for all can be selected under > Settings > Agenda.
As with other speaking requests, participants can also withdraw the request for a point of order themselves.

It is now a matter of your statutes and bylaws, or your customs with dealing with point of orders: As a rule, the point of order is called after the current speech. If a vote on the point of order is necessary, we recommend that this be included in a motion.

Tip for counter-speeches:
If the bylaws provide for the possibility of a rebuttal to a point of order, it is recommended that this be reported as a point of order as well, so that it is directly recognizable as such. As request of the point of order you can use e.g. the keyword "counter-speech".